PANEL: Confronting a Critical Challenge in HR Leadership: Personal Wellbeing

Connex Staff |

Holistic wellbeing has become the centerpiece of the employee value proposition, but the HR professionals who shoulder so much of the responsibility for keeping the workforce happy, healthy, and productive often do so with little support or recognition. Unsurprisingly, the implications for job performance and personal wellness can be significant. While there is no silver-bullet solution for what the New York Times recently characterized as a “deflated and worn down” profession, the importance of building a supportive network has never been greater.

This Session Will Explore:

  • Holistic Wellbeing as a Personal Priority: The shift towards holistic wellbeing in the workplace has placed HR leaders at the forefront of managing not only employee wellness but also their own mental health.
  • The Invisible Burden of HR Leadership: HR professionals often carry the emotional and psychological weight of balancing employer and employee needs, frequently without adequate support or recognition.
  • Balancing Competing Priorities: Leaders face constant pressure to meet immediate organizational goals, making it difficult to allocate time for personal growth and development, which is essential for long-term leadership effectiveness.
  • Adapting to Evolving Demands: The rapid pace of change in leadership roles requires continuous skill development, yet leaders often struggle to focus on their own growth amidst the demands of driving strategic initiatives.

Confronting a Critical Challenge in HR Leadership_ Personal Wellbeing